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Please feel free to contact us with any questions

2509 Summit St
Columbus Ohio 43202
United States

(614) 265-2885

Capital City Scooters specializes in scooter sales and repair. We sell SYM, Genuine, Kymco, and Lance scooters. Feel free to give us a call or stop by the shop. We love scooters!

CCS Blog

Scooters and Scooterists cont...

Matthew Tierney

That winter, Gary established the Easy Peasey Scooter Posse forum which can be found at, and today we have over 200 members nationwide.  It is a wonderful community of scooter enthusiasts who come together on line to chat about scooters, our favorite rides, and post pictures of our adventures.  Locally, the Peaseys gather for Sunday rides and play Scooter Tag.  We have become great friends bonded initially by the love of the ride. 

Although many of the Peaseys I know only through the online forum, they have been a wonderful source of friendship and support.  I remember reading a thread when Gary was in the hospital and these beautiful people went out to their scooters in the dead of winter and honked their horns at 9pm.  The image of that was so powerful I could never thank them enough.  Others expressed their deep sorrow and sympathy at the loss of Gary some of whom had never met him in person.  The Columbus Cutters, another scooter club in town joined in the discussion and members of both clubs rode to the funeral with "Friends of Gary United" legshield banners.  I was overwhelmed.  This amazing community of scooterists helped me through the darkest hours of my life and for them, I am eternally grateful. 

As I sit in my scooter shop I think back to that one little purchase of Honda Metropolitans and can't believe what a difference it made and how it brought me to where I am today.  I am a lucky woman to be living our dream - surrounded by scooters and scooterists every day.